The game was essentially a 2D action-platformer but in a way I would say "it's more like a Puzzle game with action elements": even if our nameless ninja can kill and has a lot of moves to use the levels are made in a way that you have to find the solution without making too much noise or die and the final result would give you points according to how you played. Its art style was and still is very good to look at, very reminiscent of Samurai Jack and similar, and the setting is a sort of modern world with still bits and pieces of antiquity and more. Mark of the Ninja was originally released in 2012 and it was a very good stealth-based game with very interesting mechanics and a rather intriguing story that didn't want to be imposed and instead was more of a background thing, which made the game easier to follow. Then a few days ago I saw this game on discount and I thought "hey, I remember this game being good, I'll play it again! Oh, it's a remaster too".

Then a I bought the original game years ago on the pc and had a pretty good time, despite needing a controller to be able to play properly.

I bought the original game years ago on the pc and had a pretty good time, despite needing a controller to be able to play properly.